
Adult learning works with a range of agencies.   Here’s a description of some of the work we do with partners:

Shetland College UHI   Enlarge Image

Shetland College is our main partner.  We work closely with the college and other community based partners to plan programmes that meet community learning needs. 

The College has a network of Community Learning Centres throughout Shetland.  At each learning centre you can access a range of courses, which include IT, Communications, and Numeracy courses and courses delivered through Video Conferencing. 

Schools Service

The Schools Service provides access to schools for community based evening classes.  We also work closely with colleagues in the Schools Service to meet the needs of families who speak English as an additional language.

As an adult learner you may be able to access certificated classes through your local school.  Contact the Head Teacher to discuss.

Youth Services - Bridges Project     

We work closely with the Bridges Project which supports young people in need of More Choices, More Chances – who may have dropped out of school, or are not in employment or training.  We provide employability and core skills courses that are tailored to meet individual needs for this group of young people.

Criminal Justice

The Criminal Justice Service refers clients who are on probation to Adult Learning for a Learning Assessment and Guidance Interview.   Some clients choose to embark on an individual learning programme, which is then tailored to meet their individual needs.  Over the past year, offenders and ex offenders have taken part in numeracy, communications, employability courses and a film project about the impact of offending on family life.

Social Care

Many Social Care staff  are now required to gain SVQ qualifications.  Some workers have been out of education for a number of years and feel nervous about going to college.  Adult Learning has teamed up with Shetland College to provide a course which prepares workers for returning to learning and sharpens up their core skills.  Return to Learn participants can gain qualifications in communications and IT as part of their course before they go on to College.

Indpendent Living Project

Adults with learning disabilities who are part of the Independent Living Project have formed a Tenants group.  Adult Learning's role has been to support the group to develop their committee skills and confidence to voice their opinions. 

Learning Partnerships

Adult Learning is currently working with partners to develop Learning Partnerships in communities across Shetland.  There are now two Learning Partnerships in the North Isles and in South Shetland.  The aim of is to develop a joint understanding and repsonse to local needs. Partners include  Shetland College, Schools, NHS Sheltand, local learning providers, Youth Services and Community Work.

Community Work

Community Work promotes local learning opportunities and helps us develop a wider insight into local learning needs.  Currently Community Work Officers in the North Isles and South Shetland are supporting the devlopment of local learning partnerships and are putting together Community Profiles which will influence our future planning.

Skills Development Scotland - Careers Scotland

Staff have taken part in a range of Guidance training which has been facilitated by Careers Scotland (now part of Skills Development Scotland).  We have close links with Skills Development Scotland and Careers colleagues who refer potential learners to us.  We encourage learners to meet with the all-age careers advisor to discuss career planning and learning opportunities. 

Jobcentre Plus

Last year we ran a project 'Changing Scenes' which used Film making as a way of improving employability.  Jobcentre plus made referrals to the course, and we were pleased that some of the participants moved into work as a result.

Voluntary Action Shetland

Adult Learning has a number of volunteer tutors who support literacies learning.   We also support learners to move into volunteering as a way of developing skills for work and improving confidence and work experience.  VAS take an active role in developing Learning Partnerships so we can jointly meet local needs whether they be volunteers, community members of for personal development.

Shetland Library

The library is happy to show new learners its range of facilities and we are pleased that many new adult learners have joined Shetland Library as a result.  Over the past couple of years we have worked with library colleagues to encourage speakers of other languages and literacies learners to use the library.  The library has recently attracted additional resources and now has good collections of books in other languages as well as books for emergent readers. 

Train Shetland

We signpost learners to short courses run by Train Shetland, and make use of Train Shetland short courses as part of our staff training courses.  Over the past year three Adult Learning staff have contributed to Train Shetland's programme by providing specialist courses. 

  • The Scotish Goverment
  • Shetland Island Council
  • Learn Direct Scotland